Daniel DeWaters

A self-taught Data Scientist with over 5 years of experience in data analysis and research.


This is a collection of my personal projects and coursework.


A companion package to GBS2Ploidy, which contains functions that converts files in Variant-Calling Format to Heterozygous Allele Depth Format.


Building Earthquake Visualizations

An R package that contains a new geom for ggplot2 that visualizes a timeline of earthquake events with their magnitude and death toll. Also contains a function for creating an interactive leaflet map that plots points at an earthquake event's location and list information about that earthquake. Capstone project for the Mastering Software Development in R Specialization provided by Johns Hopkins University on Coursera.

Building a Hurricane Visualization

An R package that contains a new geom for ggplot2 that visualizes the distribution of wind speeds in a hurricane. Building Data Visualization Tools Course Project for the Mastering Software Development in R Specialization provided by Johns Hopkins University on Coursera.

Exercise Assessment Model

An exercise in building machine learning models that will assess an individual's execution of an exercise. Final project for the Practical Machine Learning course provided by Johns Hopkins University on Coursera.